Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gingerbread Day

It was one of those days that starts off as any other day and then somehow turns into a very cool day.  It was a happy kid, happy mommy day and we now call it "Gingerbread Day." 

We baked lots of gingerbread cookies in the morning and finished up just in time for lunch. One thing I normally don't like about gingerbread cookies is that they tend to be hard but these were perfectly soft and chewy and we ALL loved them, and we are a hard crowd to please.

After lunch dd asked me to do something with her so I suggested we read a book.  I really wanted to choose the story but she did too so I offered to read two stories and then ds joined us and we ended up reading three.  Am I the only adult who wants to choose the story just as badly as the kids?  Honestly, if they choose all the time there would be MANY books we would never even get to read because they don't appeal to them at first glance.
So anyway, th ebook my daughter chose turned out to be none other than...

Hello?  I see a theme devolping here and I'm thinking of some coloring pages I printed out from the Jan Brett website a couple years ago that I never threw away because I knew I would use them someday...  I know I'm not the only homeschooling mom that would have jumped on this opportunity to continue the developing trend. 

As soon as storytime was over I ran to see if I still had the printouts.  Low and behold I did.  It was a perfect set of two blank gingerbread houses with all the trimmings to color, cut and glue onto the paper gingerbread house. 

Jan Brett has a wonderful website.  If you have never been, you've got to go right away!  Here are some cool spots on her site if you are going to have a Gingerbread Day of your own:
Video - Make gingerbread baby cookies with Jan Brett
Online Interactive Craft - Trim a Gingerbread Baby House
Video - How to Draw a Gingerbread Baby (Caution:  Spoiler if you haven't read the book yet!)
Printable - Animal Masks
Printable - Coloring Pages
Game - Gingerbread Baby Board Game

Merry Christmas!!!

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