Monday, April 16, 2012

Our HOW II Medieval Feast

Our KONOS History of the World co-op celebrated the completion of the Middle Ages last week by holding a feast.  After weeks of helping us with costumes, Johnnye came dressed in her own Medieval dress.  With a class full of kids with little or no sewing experience, I was totally impressed watching them develop their handy skills under Johnnye's tutelage.
The "board game" the students created was based on the third crusade.  They had three teams set out on crusade from the home countries of Germany, France and England.  They had to follow their path over land and sea to reach Israel, answering trivia questions and completing activities along the way that coincided with events that happened during the third crusade.
When the French King Phillip got sick he was carried along the route.  The action associated with this event was that two members of the team had to wheelbarrow race until the next turn.  Sadly, we didn't get to do all of the activities that we came up with.  Some of the game actions included the Germans having to carry the cross for the entirety of the game because they were the first to take up the cross in this crusade, German's having to bob for apples when their king Barbarossa drowned, and subsequently having to carry their king for several turns before the team dissolved and parted ways.  Some to the English and French while others deserted altogether.

The feast itself was fabulous.  We had tons of food served in three separate removes.  Between the removes we gave time for tummies to digest a bit and allow for kitchen details to be taken care of by scheduling in entertainment.  The class made a short Beowulf movie based on the final scene when Beowulf fights the dragon and dies.  They made it into a comedy.  And if I ever figure out how to load videos on the blog without them taking forever, I will post it for you.

The kids displayed their projects all around the foyer of the church where we held the event and we gave time for guests to view their work between the second and third removes.  By then we were all stuffed and needed to move about the building before stuffing ourselves more.
One of our girls is involved in 4H and won awards for her excellent visual presentation she made on Heraldry.
They made stained glass windows when we studied cathedrals and wooden shop signs while learning about village life.
They included family trees that had been created at the beginning of the Medieval study as well as their copies of portions of the Bayeau tapestry.  All of these projects were part of the HOW curriculum.
I wish I had gotten a picture of all the crockpots and roasters that were on the counters and lining the edge of the room. Here is a copy of our menu:
Clove-Grape Juice
Pomegranate Drink
Mint Water
Remove 1
Italian Whole Grain Bread
Honey Butter (optional)
Bashed Neeps
Thick Leek Soup
Roast Chicken
Remove 2
Stew of Apple
Venison Stew
Meatloaf Boar’s head
Toads in a Hole
Remove 3
Apple Fritters
Cream Custard Tart with Fig and Raisin Cream

Most of these recipes and menu ideas came from KONOS History of the World II Medieval Times Week 4 of 13 Medieval Daily Life.  We were also blessed with recipes from a previous feast Johnnye had been a part of.

With all of the work done, I'm glad it is over and I can breath again but it was a great night of celebration with grandparents, friends and loved ones. My daughter (above) with a blessed baby friend and a beautiful couple overseeing the kitchen (below).  Thank you Tony and Dianna!

1 comment:

Shirley Ann said...

Oh Wow Cheryl!!!! Can we come over and live near you? My eldest starts HOW in September and to my knowledge, we are the only ones in England to do so ;o)!